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Natural Park Tatamá

It has the presence of a virgin moor in an excellent state of conservation (It is part of the three paramos of Colombia that have not suffered human alteration). It is an intact natural refuge for many plant and animal species. The park stands out in the Western Cordillera for the excellent state of conservation of its ecosystems. In its territory tributaries are born that drain the slopes of the San Juan and Cauca rivers.

110 species of mammals

108 species of reptiles and amphibians

402 species of Birds

Parque Tatamá

Did you know that Pueblo Rico is famous for its diversity of birds?



In addition to the black anthurium and the 564 species and morphospecies of orchids, fine woodland tree species are protected, some of which are in danger of extinction


Fog Forest

Cloud forests are considered as forested places where the air, coming from humid and warm low regions, condenses to regularly produce cloudiness that remains most of the time, these are located in almost 60 countries.

But it is estimated that only 2.5% of the world's tropical forests are cloudy.

These ecosystems are unique and strategic, they play a role as regulators of water sources and sequester carbon from the atmosphere, they are priority ecosystems on a global scale due to their richness in species of fauna and flora, but unfortunately they are threatened globally.

Bosque de Niebla
Pueblo Rico

Pueblo Rico

Pueblo Rico, located in the Department of Risaralda, is consolidated as a municipality with the greatest cultural diversity, triethnic territory and endemic birds, with a large part of its territory in the Tatama National Natural Park.

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